Thursday, February 26, 2015

Safeties...How Safe Are they?

Accidental discharges are a sad occurrence.  It seems as though any time we turn on the news we hear or read about another such accident happening.  Furthermore, we find that many of those happen with what would be classified as "trained individuals".  actually, come to think about it, I would venture to say that there are more accidental discharges of firearms with so-called experts than there are with novices.

People have a healthy respect to firearms when first introduced to them.  As they get more experienced there seems to be a gradual increase in lax attitude and complacency.  As time passes and no issues come about the more the gun owner believes he is immune from any such tragedies...until it happens.

There is no substitute for safe gun handling.  Following the basic safety rules greatly enhances safety.  These include:

  • keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire
  • always keep the handgun pointed in a safe direction
  • keep the handgun unloaded until ready to use
  • keep the handgun away from unauthorized people
Proper attention to detail would greatly enhance safety.  But people are people and you can't fix stupid, so human kind decided to try and outsmart the "lowest common denominator" and develop mechanical features to assist us in preventing accidental discharges.

Safeties are mechanical devices designed to prevent the firing pin or striker from hitting the cartridge. This cab be accomplished by several ways, from thumb safeties, to grip safeties, and many others in between.  But do those really work?  I believe that this may actually increase the rate of accidental discharges as people get further complacent and dependent on the safety to the point that they do not adhere to the basic safety rules anymore.  All of a sudden they believe that if the safety is engaged then fingers can go on the trigger or assume the gun is unloaded, without ever verifying.  End result is a depressed trigger on a loaded round and an unintentional shot fired.

From a tactical standpoint, manipulating safeties is one more action we must do before firing, and a finer motor skill at that.  During a recent training exercise we conducted with a military unit, and with its trained and seasoned members, during a force on force drill using simunition and M9 handguns, the two soldiers were trying to shoot each other from about 2 feet away, but no rounds were fired.  they manipulated the handgun as if addressing a malfunction several times until I stopped them and had them disengage their safeties!!!  Under stress, the simple movement of a thumb can prove hard to execute and fatal!

Glock introduced its "Safe Action" system on its original Glock 17.  It has no external safeties but has a safe mechanism that essentially assumes a deliberate trigger pull prior to allowing the striker to move forward and allow the firing pin to hit the chambered round.  Is it foul-proof?  of course not.  But at least it addressed the operation under pressure issue.

Ultimately, keep your finger, your ultimate safety, off the trigger and you should be fine.  ALWAYS respect the weapon and know that if a negligent discharge take places, it is no one's fault but your own damn stupidity!

Stay safe and watch your six.
Tzviel 'BK' Blankchtein
Masada Tactical Protective services